Friday, December 21, 2007


Stiry: Kwame Asiedu Marfo, Daboase

ONE hundred participants, including pupils and students from basic schools and second cycle institutions, as well as artisans, artistes, apprentices and youth groups in the Mpohor Wassa East District in the Western Region have completed a day’s cultural awareness workshop at Daboase.
The workshop, organised by the Western Regional Directorate of the Centre for National Culture (CNC), was to create awareness of teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and hard drug addiction as well as HIV/AIDS to help promote behavioural and attitudinal change.
The participants were taken through causes and effects of teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, hard drug addiction and other social vices.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Western Regional Director of the CNC, Mr Ben Anaba, urged parents and family heads to intensify family bonds and other positive cultural practices such as puberty rites, extended family system, among others, in order to reduce vicious practices among them.
This, he said, would help the creation of an enabling environment for national development.
Mr Anaba noted that many parents and families had abandoned culture for the sake of modernity, which, to a large extent, caused divorce in marriages, improper care for children, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, among others.
According to Mr Anaba, the objective of the workshop was to promote behavioural and attitudinal change in society.

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